10 Easy Steps to Avoid Being Canceled

Bradley Neece
5 min readDec 16, 2021

For those of you who don’t want to be canceled for the sins of your past, I’ve written this helpful little 10-step guide to ensure that doesn’t happen. It can be printed off and easily affixed to your refrigerator. Or, if you’re not at home, it can be fashioned to easily slip into your wallet or handbag. Here they are:

  1. Begin by setting aside several. months to think of the things you have said in your life from zero to present. Yes, before you were one, you were zero. (Exhaust your PTO if you must. After using all your vacay, cry COVID as long as necessary. No boss…



Bradley Neece

Christian writer, historian and satirist, called to shine the light on today's polarizing issues without a foot in either camp.